122 South Erie Street
Mayville, NY 14757
Frequently Asked Questions
At what time can we check-in and out?
Check-In: From 3PM
Check-Out: 11AM
Guests may arrive at any time during the day if given notice.
There is no curfew: guests will be provided keys.
Is the price per room/apartment or per person?
The price is per room.
Is breakfast included in the price and what type of breakfast?
Yes, a gourmet breakfast is included.
Please let us know if you have any dietary concerns or certain foods you just don’t like.
How many floors are there in the building and do you have an elevator in the B&B?
There are 2 floors with no elevator
Are there quiet, private, romantic rooms?
All the rooms are quiet, private and romantic
Are linens and towels provided or do I need to bring my own?
Linens and towels are provided
Do you have non smoking rooms?
All the rooms are non smoking rooms
Is there a TV in the rooms?
There are no TVs in the rooms
Is parking or garage available?
Parking is available.
Are there grocery stores or supermarkets in the surroundings?
Yes, there are stores within walking distance.
Are there vineyards nearby?
Yes, there are vineyards
Which is the nearest village or town?
Chautauqua, NY
Which are the closest airports?
Erie, PA & Buffalo, NY
Are pets welcome?
No, they are not.
Are children allowed to stay?
We prefer not to allow children in order for our guests to enjoy a romantic quiet stay.